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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

退火!咔爽快 - Low Carbon Design
退火!咔爽快 - Low Carbon Design


退火!咔爽快 - Low Carbon Design


朝陽科技大學25th工業設計系,展覽主題希望大家可以進行重新思考,除了退火可以使人們咔爽快以外,還能透過設計來達到咔爽快的概念,不僅可以讓人們咔爽快,也能使生活、使大自然咔爽快。 我們將設計作品分成五大類,對應人們的五臟以及大自然的五行來聯想。想告訴大家人們與生活與大自然是息息相關的。 環保在現今社會一直是持續關注的議題,因此我們藉由五臟、五行的元素及中藥退火的概念來傳達設計的目的及意義。 中藥與五行有著密切的關係,五臟依照五行去分類,而五行是相生相剋的關係,只要一方出了問題,相對應的器官就會生病,五臟也象徵著環境與生活,雖然無法復原,但我們應該減少更多對環境不必要的傷害,希望透過此主題來讓大家進行「重新思考」。 設計目標 ・對應人們的五臟以及大自然的五行來聯想,告訴大家「人們與生活與大自然是息息相關,環環相扣的。」 ・透過過五行將設計作品分成五大類「環保、技術、交通、工藝、教具。」 ・延伸出一系列與退火相關的周邊商品,來讓大家重新思考設計以及如何同時保持著對地球環境的友善。 ・利用環保材質製作周邊商品,讓設計的未來再循環 - The 25th Chaoyang Technology University Department of Industrial Design. The theme of the exhibition hopes that you can rethink. In addition to TUEI HUO(The concept of traditoinal Chinese medicine that can reduce intetnal heat in the body.). You can also "refresh" through design, which can not only make people refreshing, but also make life and nature refreshing. We divide the design works into five categories, corresponding to people's five internal organs and the five elements of nature. We want to tell you that people's life and nature are closely related. Environmental protection has always been a topic of continuous concern in today's society. Therefore, we convey the purpose and significance of design through people's five internal organs and the five elements of nature and the concept of TUEI HUO . Traditional Chinese medicine is closely related to the five elements. The five internal organs are classified according to the five elements, and the five elements are related to each other. As long as one party has a problem, the corresponding organs will get sick. The five internal organs also symbolize the environment and life. Although it can not be recovered, we should reduce more unnecessary damage to the environment. I hope that through this theme, we can "rethink". Design Goal ・ Associate with people's five internal organs and the five elements of nature, and tell you that "people's life and nature are closely related." ・ Through five elements, the design works are divided into five categories: "environmental protection, technology, transportation, craft and teaching aid" ・ Extend a series of branded products related to TUEI HUO to make everyone rethink the design and how to maintain the friendliness to the earth's environment at the same time. ・ Make branded products with environmentally friendly materials to recycle the future of design