全球有三分之一的人無法獲得水源,有些女學生甚至因經期的問題而輟學。Own Day強化了所有婦女在經期來臨時,所能享有的平等權利,喚起社會大眾能用同理心去尊重待人。
白天將產品插入土裡悶住進行蒸散作用,夜晚則由上方的捕霧網捕捉霧水,搭配可快速替換墊片的衛生褲,有效地改善了貧窮國家女性無法輕鬆地獲取水源及在經期間正常行動的問題,提供快速與舒適的設計,捍衛女性的受教權與生活權,透過Own Day的創作理念更能傳達平等尊重,男、女性皆可使用它來創造美好生活的願景。
Own day enables women and girls to come into menstruation, enhance female have equal enjoyment. Cultivate children empathy to respect other people, learning and sharing to prevent gender discrimination. During the daytime, through evapotranspiration plants and soil can produce water. At night, fresh water is collected foggy by the atrapaniebla of the product. With quick-replace period pants, solve the problem of being able to replace reusable pantyliner quickly, provide a quick and comfortable design. Solving women's unequal in poor countries. Defend women's have right education, through Own day can better understand how to treat people fairly. Men and women should have the same using opportunity.