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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

特輯土產 - Gifts of Taiwan Land
特輯土產 - Gifts of Taiwan Land


特輯土產 - Gifts of Taiwan Land

杜英豪、許安琪、林矞萱、郭沛婕、蘇庭儀 - TU, YING-HAO, HSU, AN-CHI, LIN, YU-XUAN, GUO, PEI-JLE, SU, TING-YI

特輯土產蒐集全台10個獨特的鄉鎮市區土壤並製成精美禮品,透過視覺、聽覺與觸覺傳達土壤最真誠的感動,讓外國旅客可透過捲軸、印章、專輯、短片與VR時刻感受台灣回憶。10種來自台灣各地的精緻化土壤透過視覺、聽覺與觸覺傳達土壤最真誠的感動。人們可藉由土壤,從不同感官去感受台灣的美好記憶。 - “Gifts of Taiwan Land” collects 10 special soils from all over Taiwan and makes them into gifts. Gifts include visual, auditory and tactile designs. Let foreigners experience and recall the most authentic Taiwanese feelings through scrolls, seals, photo albums, short films and VR.