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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

金驚有味 - Uneatable Relish
金驚有味 - Uneatable Relish


金驚有味 - Uneatable Relish

高韻涵, 邱淯孺, 謝雅芸, 吳金葉, 李玉如 - Kao,Yun-Han, Qiu,Yu-RU, Hsieh,Ya-Yun, Wu,Chin-Yeh, Ll-YU-RU

為了凸顯隱藏在日常飲食中的重金屬食安危機,我們將這些不可見的危險因子包裝成美麗的食譜。在本系列的食譜創作之中,除了收納各種料理的基本製作方法之外,同時將重金屬的汙染報導隱、食安資訊收錄在食材的介紹之中。每一道看似色香味俱全的料理,都隱藏著台灣地區真實發生過的慘痛經驗-重金屬汙染案例。讓消費者在閱讀食譜的過程中建立連結,即動植物食材的飼育、耕作環境、生態食物網絡中的每一環都潛藏著重金屬汙染的危機。換句話說,本創作採取另一種面向述說重金屬汙染在環境中不斷循環,最後傷害終將回歸到人類自身,而重金屬汙染食譜正好體現了這個迴圈。 - We hope that when consumers read the recipes in this series, they can understand the first thing: the environment in which ingredients are cultivated and raised, and its role in the ecological food chain. The second is the potential hazards of heavy metal pollution in each link from the origin to the table. When humans arbitrarily discharge heavy metal pollution into the natural environment, these contaminations will eventually return to the food chain and harm human beings to form a terrifying cycle. The cover of this unique series of recipes captures Taiwan's local architectural culture - iron window grilles as elements to create a high-end restaurant atmosphere. When consumers open this cookbook, it is like opening the door with rich decoration and entering a refined dining environment. In contrast to our recipes' bright and decorative appearance, we tried to emphasize the dark and irreversible result from the unbalanced industrial development in the early year in Taiwan.