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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

初花生 - The First Peanut
初花生 - The First Peanut


初花生 - The First Peanut

王可君 - Wang,Ke-Chun

「初花生」的「初」在這裡意指最天然、純粹與最初的原味。本設計主要針對傳統花生進行品牌形象的塑造與商品包裝設計。 花生在台灣是隨處可見及輕易得手的傳統休閒零食之一,但是,在年輕一輩的印象之中,花生多半被認為是帶有濃厚傳統、古早味氣息的零食。除了想要顛覆形象色彩之外,還看準近年來台灣民眾追求食品「天然、原味」的風潮,進而推銷。 包裝插圖使用抽象幾何繪畫,色彩明亮鮮豔,文字版式整齊有規矩,呈現視覺效果相當年輕有活力的意象,並根據不同口味的形態與味覺感受等各種元素組成。 - The word "First" in "The First Peanut" means the most natural, pure and original flavor of peanuts. In addition to trying to subvert the image, it is also marketed in response to the recent trend of Taiwanese people seeking "natural and original" food. Peanuts are one of the traditional leisure snacks that can be seen everywhere and easily obtained in Taiwan. However, in the impression of the younger generation, peanuts are mostly regarded as snacks with a strong traditional and ancient morning flavor. In addition to wanting to subvert the image color, they also looked at the trend of Taiwan people pursuing "natural and original taste" food in recent years and then promoted it. Through the visual design, the brand reshapes the public's perception of peanut food and conveys the original and most natural aroma of peanuts, which stands out with uniqueness from other brands.