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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

#we are CUTe
#we are CUTe


#we are CUTe

姜禮岳、陳映彣 - Chiang,Li-Yue, Chen,Ying-Wen

經歷了無數磨練之後,數月努力的成果即將正式亮相,在此之前,先讓我們為自己歡呼吧! 「CUTe」 是中國科技大學的縮寫,We are cute闡明中國科大設計人為自己的喝采歡呼!將四年無數磨練的心情百態,以溫馨小臉與懸念,用可愛小語hashtag,呼應主題所呈現的團隊趣味感。 - After countless trials and tribulations, the result of months of hard work will be officially unveiled, until then, let's cheer ourselves! "CUTe" is the abbreviation of China University of Technology,''We are cute'' illustrates the young designers of CUTe are cheering for themselves! The four years of countless trials and tribulations of the mood of a hundred states, with a warm little face and suspense, with cute little words hashtag, echoing the theme presented by the team sense of fun and the mood along the way.