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國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系-TR!PLE

國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系


REFOMATION:偏鄉高齡照護行動醫療服務 RERORMATION: Elderly Care Service
REFOMATION:偏鄉高齡照護行動醫療服務 RERORMATION: Elderly Care Service


REFOMATION:偏鄉高齡照護行動醫療服務 RERORMATION: Elderly Care Service


全世界已邁入高齡化社會,然而身處偏鄉的長者卻可能因行動不便,難以獨自下山就醫,導致居住偏鄉的長者無法在第一時間取得醫療資源。我們希望能優化到宅照護服務,讓醫療服務不只是醫院中的定點服務,而是讓醫護人員也能夠主動去幫助有需要的病患。RERORMATION 是一款針對到宅照護服務所設計的載具,期許能讓偏鄉地區的長者有更完善的醫療資源,也讓醫護人員在到宅照護的服務過程更加方便及舒適。 RERORMATION is applying to the home visiting service for the elderly people who lives in the rural area.The population of elders is increasing in the world. However, it is difficult for the elderly people who lives in the rural area to go to the hospital due to their impaired mobility.Therefore, we are going to optimize the process of the medical personnels’ visiting service for the elderly people who lives in the rural area and for this matter we design a vehicle to let the medical personnels more convenient when they are working. This also can make the elderly people who lives in the rural area have more complete medical resources.