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媽祖叫我做實驗 EXAM BY MAZU







台灣大甲媽祖遶境文化到至今已有兩百多年,總計 9 天 8 夜,約 340 公里的路程,每年吸引來數百萬的民眾參與活動。2022 年本設計團隊全程參與,並採訪百位信眾們,看見人民的信仰,和觀察到夜間行走昏暗的問題。所以我們將遶境所遺留下的廢棄物重新利用帶入產出物中,不僅延續廢棄物的生命,也可以重複利用,減少文化活動的負面環境影響。 The traditions of Taiwan’s Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage have been extant for over 200 years, with the nine-day, eight-night cultural event attracting millions of participants yearly, many who walk the entire 340km circuit. Our design team were full-time participants of the annual pilgrimage in 2022. During our interviews with a hundred worshippers, we observed a sense of deep faith, as well as a host of other problems bedeviling the participants, such as how to navigate designated routes after dusk. We also collected litter strewn across the route—reusing and refashioning it—to extend the life of these discarded items and lighten the negative environmental impact of this massive cultural event.