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朝陽科技大學 視覺傳達設計系


HOW嬤趣 Grandmarket
HOW嬤趣 Grandmarket


HOW嬤趣 Grandmarket


從小,我們都能從長輩那學習到許多實用小偏方或是特別的技藝,但隨著年紀成長、世代隔閡,長輩缺少分享的契機和對象。若是把這些技藝都變成市集攤位的話會怎麼樣呢?我們規劃一場以長輩為主角,能夠和青年同樂的阿嬤市集,將台灣本土各式各樣的技藝集結起來,並讓阿嬤阿公們成為攤主,告訴年輕人他們的故事與技術。 我們擬定了一套市集遊園識別規範與活動內容,實物以刊物、形象設計為主要呈現方式,在形式風格的設計上,我們結合長輩最喜歡的卡啦OK元素,配上簡單亮眼的色彩和活潑的阿嬤插畫,希望藉此讓大眾更加了解這些珍貴的技藝。 We have heard interesting stories and remedies from elders since we were young. Still, with the growth of age and the estrangement between generations, the elders gradually do not go out, and some fewer people can communicate and share with them. Therefore, we plan a market that focuses on elders, gathers all kinds of local skills in Taiwan, lets elders become stall owners, and tell their stories to everyone. We make a set of market specifications and activity content, mainly presented in publications and image design. In the form and style design, we combine the elements of karaoke with simple and bright colors and illustrations to allow people to understand these local skills better.