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嶺東科技大學 服飾設計系

本活動以靜態作品展覽為主,將以時尚學院所屬系所畢展競賽獲獎作品、大三大二教師評選精選作品參展,其以時尚學院所屬流設系及服飾系畢業班(時裝組與應藝組)等競賽優異作品為優先展示、競賽與產學合作作品畢業製作、設計課程、競賽活動、產學合作與各項活動成果展演等相關活動剪輯彙編影片集,於展演期間利用電視牆循環播放及現場解說,可使觀展民眾更了解本校所屬各系專業技能、學生成果、教學重點與主軸及製作作品心路歷程,可提昇時尚學院所屬系知名度外,拓展本校學生視野及累積時尚設計之多元經驗。 This activity is mainly focused on a static exhibition. The exhibited works are from the senior winners of graduate project contest, and elected juniors and sophomores. The students are from Fashion Stylist Design Department, and Fashion and Accessories Design Department of the Fashion College. Students’ works for contest, industry cooperation project, and graduate project will be edited into videos and played during the exhibit. It would not only help the audiences to understand the professional skills and education core of our school, but also help present the design journey. Thus, the reputation of the Fashion College will be raised while the students’ fashion design related experiences increased at the same time.

