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想念榖雨的日子 - Grain Rain

高微晴, 彭凱鈺, 賴宥潞, 林泓輝, 鍾雅玲, 王駿珅 - GAO, WEI-CING, PENG, KAI-YU, LAI, YOU-LU, LIN, HONG-HUI, CHUNG, YA-LING, WANG, JUN-SHEN

小滿阿嬤是位茶女,獨自一人居住在茶山中,在一次意外中失去了女兒。開始與孫女榖雨同住,穀雨的到來,讓她的生活多了一絲希望與溫暖,然而小滿心中仍然放不下女兒離開的事實,暑假作業裡的觸景傷情,抑或穀雨的臉龐都讓小滿日夜思念女兒。這一連串的壓力導致小滿漸漸記憶力衰退,在公車站產生幻覺,意識到自己的病情加重,因此下定決心不想帶給穀雨負擔......。 - Grandma Xiaoman is a tea-picking woman. She lives alone in the tea mountain and loses her daughter in an accident. She began to live with her granddaughter Gu Yu. The arrival of Gu Yu added a glimmer of hope and warmth to her life. However, Xiaoman still can't let go of the fact that her daughter left. Xiaoman misses her daughter day and night because of the sadness that the words and paintings in Gu Yu's summer homework or Gu Yu's face made Xiaoman feel very sad. This series of pressures caused Xiaoman to gradually lose her memory and hallucinate at the bus stop. She realized that her condition was getting worse, so she made up her mind not to burden Gu Yu.