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張瑜芹, 郭沛晴, 林芳如, 汪鈺芳, 陳霈瑄, 胡珮菱 - CHANG YU CHIN, KUO PEI CHING, LIN FANG JU, WANG YU FANG, CHEN PEI SYUAN, Hu Pei Ling

從前有個好色的書生意外而死,在地府他為美麗的女子孟婆著迷,進而熱烈追求,最終他如願以償與孟婆共度良宵。 但當他戴回眼鏡後,才驚覺孟婆其實是個肥胖油膩的大媽。 - Once upon a time, a libidinous man died accidently. When his soul came to the land of dead, he was fascinated by a woman whose name is MenPo. Her job is to serve the spirits a cup of wine and make them forget everything about their past. Meanwhile, the man lost his glass which made him can't see things clearly. The man tried so hard to get MenPo's attention and finally succeed. They spent a night in her cottage. The other morning, the man woke up and found his glass. When he put it on, he found out that MenPo was way too ugly as he can imagine, but everything was too late.