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2022 舊毛巾、畫布 120公分 x 120公分 四連幅 畢業於台灣藝術大學美術系的洪芊珩,對服裝與織品一直抱有高度興趣,創作除了繪畫之外也經常使用編織、刺繡等織品素材呈現。本次參展的作品,呼應展覽資源永續的主題,邀請在地溫泉旅館加入,將溫泉旅館淘汰的舊毛巾,剪裁成象徵不同元素的圖樣:屋瓦、磚塊、山脈、河流或道路。用拼貼的手法固定在畫布上。因為火山地形的關係,溫泉產業一直在北投歷史發展上扮演重要的角色,泡湯文化也成為觀光北投的重要象徵,在這個令人熟悉的在地產業中,也不乏各種織品的使用,仔細看的話,仍能從作品中看見這些溫泉旅館印或繡在毛巾上的名稱,支撐著北投觀光經濟的溫泉,和支撐著日常生活的織品,隱隱相互呼應。 Hong Chien-heng Beitou Impressions 2022 Old towels, canvases Four panels measuring 120cm x120cm A graduate of the National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Fine Arts, Hong Chien-heng has always regarded clothing and textiles with a high degree of interest. In addition to painting, she often applies weaving and embroidery techniques in her art. For the towel painting of Beitou landscapes in the current exhibition, local hot springs hotels have been invited to participate. The towels designated to be discarded by the hotels are cut into shapes that represent various local elements, including roof tiles, mountain ranges, rivers, and bricks; these are affixed to the canvas using collage and weaving techniques. Due to the volcanic terrain, the hot springs industry has always played an important role in Beitou’s history and development. The hot-springs culture has also become an important symbol of tourism in Beitou. There is no shortage of textile products used in this familiar industry. On closer observation, the names of these hot-spring hotels embroidered on the towels are still visible. The hot springs that are the mainstay of Beitou’s tourism economy and the textiles that support everyday life stand in tacit correspondence.