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走吧,一起回家!Let’s go home !


近年來臺灣寄養家庭面臨寄養父母高齡化、寄養戶數下降、寄養家庭空間不足、補助費用不足、寄養安置成為中長期安置、寄養兒少照顧困難等問題,雖然臺灣的兒福機構正在依據聯合國《兒童權利公約》去機構化、小型化的政策進行改革,但臺灣機構安置的人數依舊過多,加上各縣市政府官網的寄養資料分散,難以聚焦重點,為了讓大眾了解寄養家庭,希望以資料整合網站的形式,將寄養議題推廣出去。 網站分為首頁與六個頁面:兒少安置知多少、一起認識寄養家庭、寄養家庭怎麼了、 從世界看臺灣、閱讀寄養小故事、如何幫助他們。網站以可愛療癒的插畫風格呈現,並以主角回家的火車旅途故事做串連,搭配鮮豔、活潑的主色調,讓畫面更有活力,加上網站的動態效果,使網頁更具互動性,迎合普遍大眾的喜好。 In recent years, Taiwan's foster families have been facing problems such as aging parents, lower foster participation, insufficient housing space, and lack of financial subsidization. Even though Taiwan's child welfare agencies are reforming in accordance with the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" policy, the number of foster kids is still rising. Furthermore, with no centralized information hub, it is difficult and tedious to piece together information from different websites. Therefore, we created this integrated site to promote foster care issues and grow public awareness. The websites includes several topics: what is child placement and foster family, problems of foster families, the comparison of foster care policy between Taiwan and the world, stories of foster care, and how can we help them. The contents are connected with a story about the main character’s journey back home, coupled with dynamic effect that makes the website more interactive and more approachable.