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假性自大05 Pseudo-arrogance 05


假性自大05 Pseudo-arrogance 05 相紙、油彩/45 x 30 cm/2018 《假性自大》 《假性自大》是常陵20年多前,開始陸續收集的一些老照片,有的是家族留下的、有的是政府拆遷老眷村後,在街訪巷弄裡所拾起的。黑白的老照片,拎著我們進入1940年代的臺灣庶民生活,探勘過往歷史的日常。這系列作品,用一種極簡單的創作方式,揭露了選擇性歷史的覆蓋與竄改。在照片上畫上圖像,讓筆觸線條及主觀記憶裡的直覺不斷交織,抽象地將自我膨脹成一段自大的「換歷史」,也從主觀記憶的拼湊中,產出擾動現實的方法,並透過那自以為正確的歪斜雙眼,看出絕對的色彩。 Pseudo-arrogance Pseudo-arrogance comprises of old photographs that Chang Ling has begun to collect over 20 years ago; some are photographs passed down from his family, and also what he has found in old military dependents’ villages that were demolished by the government. The old black-and-white photographs transport us back to what everyday life was like in Taiwan back in the 1940s, providing glimpses of those bygone days. This art series employs a rather simple approach to expose how selective history is masked and altered. The photographs are painted over to allow the brushstrokes and instinctive subjective memories to interweave, where the self is abstractly inflated to become an arrogant piece of alternate history. Moreover, subjective memories are pieced together to result in a way to disrupt reality, where absolute colors are seen through a pair of self-righteous crooked eyes.