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長椅小姐 Miss Bench


長椅小姐 Miss Bench

長椅的一端坐著女公爵,另一端坐著無家可歸的流浪漢,一段談話正要開啟。 這就是展覽的存在,向上面對購買藝術品的百萬富翁,向下面對對藝術感興趣的普羅大眾。這一刻,它將一個線性的二維關係轉化成了一個存在在三維空間的平台,無論你是誰,歡迎進入這場談話,這有可能是現存改變世界最平和的的方式了。 長椅小姐是一名對旅行上癮的策展人、平民藝評人、日常中的奇觀鑒察者,以下內容為她的見聞分享,僅供擁有獨立思想的個體閱讀,尋找正確答案者勿入。 2018年,「異常狀態」,切爾西藝術學院,倫敦 2018年,「//」,切爾西藝術空間,倫敦 2019年,「儀式性動物」,柳美術館,台中 2019年,「O//O」,柳美術館/窯座,台中 2021-2022年,「以島為家系列」,ARTOGO/臺北國際藝術村/窯座/鹽埕黑白切,雲端/台北/台中/高雄 On the end of the bench sits the Duchess, with the homeless tramp at the other end, thereby a conversation is about to begin. This is the existence of the “Art Exhibition”, facing upwards to the millionaires who purchase art, and downwards to the general public who are interested in it. At this very moment, it transforms a linear two-dimensional relationship into a platform that exists in three-dimensional space. No matter who you are, welcome to the conversation. This may be the most peaceful way to shift the world. “Miss Bench” is an curator addicted to travel, a civilian art critic, and an observer of daily spectacles. The following content is her experience and thought sharing, which is only for individuals with independent thinking to read. Those who are seeking the correct fixed answers should not enter. 2018, Abnomal, Chelsea College of Arts, UAL, London 2018, //, Chelsea Space, London 2019, A Ceremonial Animal, Liu Museum, Taichung 2019, O//O, Liu Museum / YAO Space, Taichung 2021-2022, Home Land Is Land_Retrospective Tour of the Failure Artist, Various location of Taiwan



(目前更名為-正白#FFFFFF) 黑白切到# FFFFFF 「#24小時的展覽」黑白切空間概念始於 2010 年,成立在台中第二公有市場, 由 107 畫廊主人邱斯基、藝術家蔡志賢及幕後輔助敏甄共同創辦,無償提供藝術創作者展出, 創立至今堅持沒有申請政府補助,在非商業的路徑下僅由私人贊助維持營運,自台中發展出的模式在 2015 年拓展至高雄。 「# FFFFFF」 2022 年,以網路色碼 # FFFFFF「正白色」作為空間的新名稱,擷取「白」的視覺意象, 在港都的老社區裡展現充分的自由與去中心化的特質,延續黑白切在市場形塑 「藝術公共領域」的理想。 《黑白切》自2010年成立至今,堅持不申請公部門補助,營運經費僅來自私人贊助,無償提供藝術創作者展示空間,延續黑白切創立的精神,期待藝術創作能保持純粹的實驗性。因此我們需要細水長流的贊助,期待你成為「# FFFFFF正白」的贊助者,邀請你一起打造多元的藝術環境,扶持在地藝術空間走得更長遠。 銀行代碼|822 中國信託 員林分行 銀行帳號|325 540 337 196
Foggy Incense 法映視覺創意


Foggy Incense 法映視覺創意

Foggy Incense 是一個由各領域的藝術創作者複合而成的品牌,他們神經連結著彼此的視網膜,相互分享視覺與美感。 從視覺出發,脈絡起源于內容,藉由創作者們的思想體系與精神,將內容影像化並追尋更多可能性。我們有著跨越各種維度的視野,並不斷追求非物質上的進化。時而在雲端上冥想,時而在地下汲取養分,探索未知的世界是我們的使命。 於2020年4月20日在台灣台北由李奧納多博士、燁歌爾、神經寶貝、舊浪潮與軟笛共同創立,法映是一間主要專注在影像創作與概念設計的公司。 創作類型的守備範圍極其廣闊,商業廣告、音樂錄影帶、紀錄片、藝術創作皆囊括在內,我們的理念在於提供客戶嶄新的世界觀。不追隨潮流而嚮往漫遊在波峰與波谷,帶有F.I.印記的作品持續在這個宇宙中默默誕生。 如果有任何視覺上的需求、有趣的提案、或期望某個事件的發生,想找我們一起參與或合作,都請直接來信。 Founded by Dr.Leonardo, PsychobabyGill, O-WAVE and TsaiTsaiTsu. F.I. Inc. is a conceptual design/film production company based in Taipei City that specializes in creating visual contents. With a wide spectrum of creations: commercials, music videos, documentaries, artistic creations are all included. Our prospect is to provide customers with a new world view. Not following the existing tide but roaming the crests and troughs, creation engraved with the F.I. Inc. trademark continues to be born in this universe.
林耕舞 Kengwu Yerlikaya


林耕舞 Kengwu Yerlikaya

林耕舞, 1993年生於台北。曾就讀於國立臺北藝術大學 電影創作學系,而後於倫敦藝術大學的雀兒喜學院,取得藝術學士。同時是一名演員、作家、視覺藝術家。 他將自身的肉體、時間、經歷作為創作媒材,沈浸/扮演著社會所給予他的不同身份,透過探尋自身矛盾的身份認同,質問著制式社會框架下所形成角色分工、角色形象及角色期待。 在靜態的展示語言中擅長使用錄像、現成物及文字,仍在不斷的嘗試與擴張中。近期,他將個人關注轉向更為宏觀的社會議題,諸如少數群體人權、性別政策和全球運動,在其近作《這是我們所承諾的未來嗎?》中更層層揭開近年諸多大國為經濟利益而選擇背棄社會正義的真相。 Born and raised in Taipei City, Kengwu Yerlikaya (b. 1993) studied at the Department of Filmmaking, National Taipei University of the Arts, going on to earn his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Chelsea College at University of the Arts London. Kengwu begins with his body as media itself, exploring societal expectation and the contradictory image it creates. Identity and labour division are central themes. Using video, ready-made objects, and text – his work operates as both experimental and expansive. Recently, he has shifted his personal attention to macro social issues, such as minority human rights, gender policies, and global movements. In his recent work “Is This The Future We Promise For?”, countries that abandon social justice for economic gain are primary concerns. "Selected exhibitions, Screenings, Conference, Art fair:" 最終章:「愛的許可證」, 2022 Kaohsiung (正白#ffffff), Taiwan (https://fb.me/e/2agvedooZ) 第二章:「兩者之間」, 2021 Taichung (窯座), Taiwan (https://artemperor.tw/tidbits/11948) 文化平權駐村聯展_共?著, 2021 Taipei (臺北國際藝術村), Taiwan (https://www.facebook.com/events/320044679853199?locale=zh_TW) 序曲:「修補一份 無濟於事」, 2021 Online (Artogo), Taiwan (https://artogo.tw/exhibition/mendingtheirreversible) Other ways of watching together (film screening), 2020 Rotterdam, Netherlands (https://thisismama.nl/events/home/other-ways-of-watching-together) QUEER ARTist NOW (exhibit artist), 2020 London, U.K (http://queerartistsnow.com) A World Without End (exhibit artist), 2020 Online, U.K (https://www.nobarkingartgallery.com/#/) So Close (exhibit artist), 2020 Online, U.S (https://sidexsidecontemporary.com/So-Close-International-Online-Juried-Group-Exhibitio) Out The Window (film screening), 2020 Bristol, U.K (https://www.instagram.com/weareoutthewindow/) Widening the Gaze (presenter as artist), 2018 London, U.K A conference exploring the role of Race in Creative Practice today (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/slade/events/widening-the-gaze) LOA-upload gallery (exhibit artist), 2018 London, U.K (https://www.leaveofabsence.london) 第一屆藝術自由日 (exhibit artist), 2014 Taipei (華山文創園區), Taiwan (http://www.freeartfair.tw/) 2014 超新星 (exhibit artist), 2014 Taichung (自由人藝術公寓), Taiwan (https://www.facebook.com/events/872150919484597/)