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張芮綺 / 洪子媗

指導老師:蔡雅怡 / Ya-Yi Tsai 基地位置:臺中市大里區福興街 1 號 / No. 1, Fuxing Street, Dali District, Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 作品說明: 順應時代變遷的同時,從中重拾大里聚落還遺留下來的記憶,結合過去的歷史痕跡,在舊有的常態找尋新的可能性,藉由空間讓在地居民及游子對這片土地產生歸屬感。 While adapting to the changes of the times, we will regain the memories left by the Dali settlement.Hopefully, this culture that is about to fade away will be transformed combine historical traces of the past to find new possibilities in the old normal.Through space, local residents and wanderers can feel a sense of belonging to this land.