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黃渝靖 / 韋嘉旻

指導老師:劉易鑫 / Yi-Hsin Liu 基地位置:臺中市西屯區西屯路二段 307 號 / No. 307, Section 2, Xitun Road, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 作品說明: 把更生人對自己以及大眾的偏見比喻成牆,用牆界定兩者的互動方式,透過生活、技術輔導以及商業行為交流,讓更生人能走出自己心中設立的高牆,大眾也能去掉對更生人的標籤。 The “wall” indicates the discrimination against ex-offenders from both the society and the ex-offenders themselves. With accommodations, vocational training and practicing venues included in the design, this work conveys the hope for ex-offenders as well as the society to go "beyond the wall", further finding the way to embrace each other.