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晚輩圖(已讀要回) - Your Generation

高瑞妤, 吳宜蓁, 黃未, 陳玟琳 - Renee Gao, Cherish wu, Wéi Huang, Wen Lin Chen

世界進步快速,在智慧型手機及AI輔助人性設計的發行下,過去社會鄰里鄉間的關心問候,逐漸轉譯為在聊天室間來回發送的「長輩圖」,但是在面對長輩科技化下的關心方式,卻造成不知道如何回覆的狀況。 以此,我們設計了「晚輩圖產生器」去反向的轉化,TA為年紀較輕的使用者做回覆與使用,在色彩、編排、內容上的反轉更新再設計,讓象徵的關心不再被排斥忽視,演繹而成的62張「晚輩圖」, 種類主要有:花、 佛、節慶、台灣禮俗......等,以長輩與晚輩之間的共同認知來詮釋此回覆圖。 - We all know our elders mean well when they send us “長輩圖(‘Elder’s Greeting Pictures’—greeting pictures from elders meant to inspire)”, but often times we have no idea how to respond. We have come up with a “Juniors’ Greeting Picture Generator” that can solve this exact problem. Using youthful colors, designs, and context, we hope to help the younger generation show that they appreciate their elders and that they actually do care.