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葉 誠

城市的河岸邊界是一個不斷堆疊的過程。當這些非人尺度的構造物相互堆疊交錯,生活與河流之間始終隔著一條難以跨越的灰色地帶。 台北的邊界長期受基礎設施的佔用。在經濟發展快速的年代,此乃必要之惡。如何讓城市回歸人本?面對這些因基礎建設所切割開來的都市負空間,我嘗試利用中興橋引道的改建,創造河岸邊界的突破口。讓城市重新看見,那條消失於生活中的淡水河。 The riparian boundary of the city is a continuous process of stacking.When these non-human scale structures are stacked and intertwined,there is always a gray area that is difficult to cross between life and the river. Taipei’s borders have long been occupied by infrastructure. In times of rapid economic development, this is a necessary evil. How to make the city return to human nature? Faced with these urban negative spaces cut by infrastructure construction, I tried to use the reconstruction of the approach road of Zhongxing Bridge to create a breakthrough in the river bank boundary. Let the city see again, the freshwater river that disappeared from life.