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莊倚恩, 陳王茵, 王玟琍 - Chuang,Yi-En, Chen,Wang-Ying, Wang,Wen-Li

不侷限在大眾認為的正常服飾,以「感覺自我」的概念傳達出每個人都可以是與眾不同意境。 我們在領子或是袖子上做寬大的版型設計,為了在視覺效果上呈現出強悍、冷酷的形象。 - Our design is not limited to what the public thinks of as normal clothing. The concept of “self-awareness” conveys that everyone can be different. We use a wide shape on the collars and sleeves in order to present a strong, cool image for the visual effect.