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消逝的肖像-對倒II The vanishing Portraits II

劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)

你的房子不是你的房子? 房子之於生活的意義是什麼 ? 如何選擇理想的住所? 是空間影響心理 ,還是心理影響空間 ? 你的房子是你的房子嗎? 劉芸怡是旅居德國的台灣藝術家,她以系列攝影作品,紀錄了東德及臺灣城市裡,因為時代變遷或戰爭因素,即將消逝或逐漸被人遺忘的建築影像。她先以不同的時間及透視點,大量局部拍攝同一建築物,再將數十至數百張影像重新拼貼。作品〈消逝的肖像-對倒II〉中,劉芸怡拍攝一個位於東德的一間建築物,建物本身已殘破不堪,牆面斑駁,顯示已久無人居,一旁的現代建築襯托其歷史悠久。劉芸怡透過對建築體正面的直接拍攝方式,呈現如同紀念碑般的建築體,替觀者開啟了一道往返個人與歷史亙古的入口,如幽魂般召喚著逝去的記憶。 影作品,紀錄了東德及臺灣城市裡,因為時代變遷或戰爭因素,即將消逝或逐漸被人遺忘的建築影像。她先以不同的時間及透視點,大量局部拍攝同一建築物,再將數十至數百張影像重新拼貼。作品〈消逝的肖像-對倒II〉中,劉芸怡拍攝一個位於東德的一間建築物,建物本身已殘破不堪,牆面斑駁,顯示已久無人居,一旁的現代建築襯托其歷史悠久。劉芸怡透過對建築體正面的直接拍攝方式,呈現如同紀念碑般的建築體,替觀者開啟了一道往返個人與歷史亙古的入口,如幽魂般召喚著逝去的記憶。 Your House Is Not Your House? What does a house mean to one’s life? How do you choose your ideal residence? Is our mind affected by the surrounding space, or is it the opposite way around? Is your house your house? LIU Yun-Yi is a Taiwanese artist living in Germany, and her Vanishing Portraits series depict a collection of buildings in East German and Taiwanese cities that have either disappeared or were left forgotten as a result of changes in time or war. LIU Yun-Yi would first take dozens and even hundreds of photographs of the same building at different times and from different perspectives before reassembling them. The Vanishing Portraits II is a photograph of an extremely dilapidated building with well-weathered walls situated in East Germany. The outward appearance shows that the building has been long abandoned, and the modern building positioned close to it highlights the length of the history behind the uninhabited construct. Frontal photographs of memorial-like buildings taken by LIU Yun-Yi serve to open a gateway to personal and historical eternity, magically resurrecting a fading memory.