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陰差陽錯 - Missed The Fate


風平浪靜後,人們看到兩隻美麗的蝴蝶,在一道彩虹中比翼飛舞,形影相隨。傳說那是梁山伯與祝英台的精魂所化,二人在天結為永世夫妻的證明。 我以《梁山伯與祝英台》陰差陽錯而無法相伴今生的淒婉情節為靈感,具象故事中「樓台相會」、「迎娶」、「哭祭」、「化蝶雙飛」四段情節,傳唱千古不朽的忠義愛情。 - You would see two beautiful butterflies, flying along side each other under the rainbow, after everything became smooth and calm. Legend has it that the scene is the evidence of the butterfly lovers finally got together in heaven. Inspired by the tragedy of The Love Eterne , I wish to embodying the story to express the everlasting love that has been sung through the ages.