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水靈 - Water Spirit

莊晴 - Chng Qing Micaela

河水灌溉植物,植物蒸散水汽,水與生命的關係緊密。 這是從一座瀑布開始的旅程,它記錄地方的歷史,不斷的在石上印上水花。地圖上顯示著山林中數不清的湖泊與蜿蜒溪流。沿著地下路徑,滲透大地的水被植物木質部吸收傳送,慢慢長出纖枝嫩芽,進而造就幅員遼闊的森林。當滂沱大水不斷順勢而下,旅程又回到了起點。 - River water irrigates plants and water vapor evaporated from plants, that’s how water is closely related to life. The journey starts from a waterfall that chronicles the history of the land, constantly pounding water on the stones and sending away waves of water. The map for the adventure stretches across ranges of mountains, countless lakes, and streams. Underground, the water that penetrates the land is absorbed and transmitted by the xylem of the plant. New fibrous shoots gradually grow and eventually a forest is built. With the downpour of waterfall, the journey starts again.