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〈金髮銀聲〉 The Golden Hair with a Voice of Silver

尼基塔‧潘寧 Nikita Panin

尼基塔‧潘寧是來自聖彼得堡的新銳加密藝術家,有時也以「星體浩劫」(astraldisaster)為名創作,主題從肖像、景觀到人物群像皆有。這次展出的四件作品〈晶肉廟〉、〈美善之物皆拾壹〉、〈金髮銀聲〉和〈林木之中與我所發現〉風格一貫,帶有幽暗和異端的特質,部分素材來自經典畫作中的聖者肖像和森林景觀。在調校機器的過程中,對象的重複出現和彼此互滲──從花朵和樹木到人形和動物皮質──被刻意強調,加之遠觀的鏡框,神聖性和詭譎感一體併生。 Temple of Crystal Meat, All Good Things are Eleven, The Golden Hair with a Voice of Silver, and In the Heart of the Wood and What I Found There are consistent in terms of style with traits of obscurity and heresy. Some materials are derived from forest landscapes and saints’ portraits in the classical paintings. In the process of machine tuning, the repeated emergence and interpenetration of objects - from flowers and trees to human forms and animal skins - are deliberately emphasized. Along with the frames of distant view, they present senses of divinity and oddity altogether.