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蔡征洋, 陳姿妤 - Chye,Zheng-Yang, Chen,Tzu-Yu

本專題我們以台灣台東縣金峰鄉的排灣族雜糧釀造文化做為設計核心。選用當地5種特產釀製風味調酒,分別為小米、樹豆、紅藜、釋迦、洛神花,透過5款風味調酒介紹排灣族獨特的雜糧文化。主視覺提取排灣族部落特有的圖騰,以及部落中耆老頭目的頭像呈現排灣族文化特色,包裝透過瓦楞紙堆疊效果表現排灣族石板屋錯落有致的意象。 - Taking the multigrain wine brewing culture of the Paiwan ethnic group,from Jinfeng Township of Taitung, as the core , five types of exclusively brewed flavored wine are used to introduce the unique multigrain culture of the tribe, namely millet, tree beans, red quinoa, sakyamuni fruit and roselle. While the main visual effect is presented via the totem of the tribe and the avatars of the elders in the Paiwan tribe. The slate house, a traditional house built by the Paiwan tribe using slates has strong cultural characteristics. As such, we adopted the characteristics of corrugated paper to create a stacking effect similar to that of the slate house, creating an immersive sense of being in the real world. The packaging of the product deliberately designed and made into miniature Paiwan slate houses with corrugated paper is packed and stacked to deliver the message of this piece of artwork. It is hoped that through this topic, the unique multigrain culture of the Paiwan ethnic group will be promoted and these precious cultures will continue to practise and pass down to the next generation.