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味靈 - Spicesoul

柳婷云, 林奕姍, 高彤, 林靜, 陳秋萍, 陳映儒 - Liu,Ting-Yun, Lin,Yi-Shan, Kao,Tong, Lin,Ching, Chen,Chiu-Ping, Chen,Ying-Ru

「味靈」意味生長在山林中被動物形象祖靈孕育守護的台灣原住民原生香料。將原住民圖騰、動物祖靈與香料進行轉化設計,以黑底襯托原住民色彩鮮豔之美,塑造整體的視覺饗宴。 - "Spicesoul" means the native spice of Taiwan's aborigines grown in the mountains and forests and protected by the ancestral spirit of animals. We transform and design the aboriginal totems, animal ancestral spirits and spices in the colorful beauty of the aborigines with a black background, thus creating an overall visual feast.