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黃竹欣, 李吟芳, 郭其昌 - Huang,Chu-Hsin, Li,Yin-Fang, Gui,Qi-Chang

「你的不以為意,我很不以為然」微歧視充斥在日常對話之中,本小組為減少微歧視現況發生,透過互動繪本宣導微歧視是會造成傷害的,加強尊重個人生活公平及維護他人自尊。 - The main purpose of this interactive picture book is to reduce "Microaggression" reduced inequalities. We use picture books to make more people realize the need to respect individuals, justice and fairness. This is a serious issue. Through interesting and unique illustrations, let more people see that everyone should have their own dignity. Respect the fairness of everyone's life. Understand and feel the uniqueness of multiculturalism through interactive picture books.