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糖糖先幫我穿著 The D shoes and gloves


為了避免糖友受傷後被截肢,產品利用彈性材質及有機結構達到透氣以及舒適,針對末梢進行個別處理,受傷拇指會戴上指套以防傷口惡化,手套會提醒換藥跟吃藥,並有血糖測量機,以上血糖以及吃藥數據會記錄在 app,複診時方便讓醫生更了解糖尿病患者的狀況。 To avoid amputation for diabetic patients after injury, the product uses flexible materials and organic structure to achieve breath-ability and comfort, and individual treatment for the end, the injured thumb will wear a finger cots to prevent the wound from deteriorating, the glove will remind to change medication and take medication, and there is a blood glucose measurement machine. The above blood glucose and medication data will be recorded in the app, so that the doctor can better understand the condition of the diabetic patient during the follow-up consultation.