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創傷認知宣導教具 Cognitively Guided Instructional Aids


根據衛福部數據,每 2 人之中就有 1 人曾經歷性別暴力。 每 25 人,就有 1 人曾遭受性侵害,但有近 6 成的人尚未理解什麼是性別暴力。 用寓教於樂的方式傳達給年輕種子正確的觀念, 讓他們在茁壯後能將這股力量賦予社會更深層的蘊意。 According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 1 in 2 people have experienced gender-based violence. One in 25 people has experienced sexual assault, but nearly 60 percent of people do not yet understand what gender violence is. We want to teach young people the right concepts in a fun and educational way. This is a great way to teach young people the right values, so that they can take that power to a deeper level in society as they grow stronger.