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我們透過平面刊物、網路媒體、電子書,來推廣臺灣日治時期的藝術作品及歷史,也讓青少年對日治時代臺灣藝術產生更多的興趣。書籍結合了漫畫情節及插圖,並將畫作分類為四項來介紹,風情人文、服裝時尚、風景名勝、自然動植物等等,能更多元的介紹藝術作品。書中以簡化的文字及兩種不同風格的排版,使大眾能更快速認識畫作,同時還有互動式電子書,讓讀者們隨時觀看,帶領民眾一窺過去臺灣風貌,提升文藝涵養。 Our design concept is to promote the artworks of Taiwanese artists during the Japanese Occupation Period, with categories: cultural customs, costumes, landscapes, nature and other themes. Through dynamic e-books, illustrations, comics and easy-to-understand introductions, it leads the public to have a glimpse of the past in Taiwan and enhances the value of art.